A professional athlete, like Travis, needs a lot of fuel to get through multiple intense training sessions. Travis Mayer breaks down his full day of meals for us…
- 3 large eggs
- 1 bagel
- 1 cup of strawberries
- 1 Lara bar
After 1st Training Session
- Carbs 75-100g (Travis uses Karbolyn)
- Protein 20-40g (Ascent Protein Powder) *Numbers are based on type of training session
- 8oz grilled chicken breast
- 1 cup white rice
After Travis’s Second Training Session
- Carbs 75-100g (Karbolyn)
- Protein 20-40g (Ascent Protein)
- Rx bar
After Travis’s Third Training Session
- Carbs 75-100g (Karbolyn)
- Protein 20-40g (Ascent Protein)
- 8oz steak
- 2 pieces of Cheese bread
- 1 cup sautéed green beans
- 1 cup Animal crackersTotal Macros: 551g Carbohydrates, 221g Protein, 102g Fat
*Please note Travis Mayer is a professional athlete, his primary job is training. Eating like Travis will not yield you the same results. For a customized nutrition program, check out our app.
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